Sunday, April 15, 2012

Results of Post-Treatment PET Scan: Drum Roll, Please

I wish you could have seen my before and after shots. I asked if I could have them emailed to me, but the technology wouldn't cooperate. The PET scan I had done back in October made me look like a dalmatian, covered with black spots of cancer, along with some alarmingly large dark patches. In the repeat scan from a couple weeks ago, there is not a dot of black. My oncologist said my scan was pristine. That was the word he used: pristine.

And this is fabulous not only because it's fabulous, but because it's not necessarily what we were expecting. Many patients with my diagnosis don't get a complete remission from their treatment.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Pristine! That's an amazing word to hear. We'll have Bento bark, play a wild fiddle tune and spin like dervishes. We'll ponder pristine, roll it around, and smile. Continue your road to health. You're doing a great job! abrazos grandes...the AOs

  3. Pristine: "In its original condition; unspoiled. Clean and fresh. Spotless. In mint condition. Fresh, new, virgin, pure." That's you, Jan. Such good news.

  4. That is a fabulous word, and a fabulous report. YEAH! I am so happy to hear it!

  5. Great news, Jan. Keep up the good health.
    Del - friend of June Underwood.

  6. Another friend of June's and fan of Jan. Wonderful news!

  7. love it! i always knew that you were as pure as the driven snow. what a great blog entry. the best so far. suzo

  8. Pristine works for me. It is actually one of my favorite words. I hold good healing thoughts for you in my heart and mind!!!
